I got a tip from a comment on New World Notes by Neptune Rebel that the recent Sunday "Doonesbury" comic strip featured a reference to Second Life. A character talks about how he has been fundraising for a charity using his "private foundation on Second Life," his avatar raising "nearly $600." Great to see some…
SL World Trade Center memorial today (pictures)
This morning, I returned to the World Trade Center sim (teleport SLURL) to gather with other 20-some other avatars for a 9/11 commemorative event. Many avatars wore black suits and dresses, appropriate to the occasion. Lots of hugs and greetings all around. I ran into most of the principal organizers of the sim, including Liam…
The World Trade Center Sim: a profound demonstration of why virtual worlds matter
Aleister Kronos Mark Wallace at 3pointD blogs eloquently about a new World Trade Center sim in Second Life that I just finished visiting this evening (teleport SLURL). Unlike previous memorials, which have sought to create virtual versions of the actual towers, this memorial simply and powerful records the names of all the victims of the…
Looking for Non-profit “Best Practices” in Second Life
The awesome youth technology group Global Kids has asked me to prepare a report on "best practices" for non-profits in Second Life that will be submitted to a major foundation. I know many groups from around the world are already doing great work in SL and have learned some valuable lessons that others could benefit…
Regina at Astor Place Hair
Astor Place Hair is one of those New York institutions that you take for granted until rising rents force them out of business. Open since 1945, Astor Place Hair over the last 10 years has begun to be penned in by Starbucks, the Gap, Barnes and Nobles and other corporate franchises. And yet it soldiers…
Saturday morning machinima: “Morning Run Amok”
Online Videos by Veoh.com Master machinimator Phil Rice (aka Overman) invited me to a fabulous online event last night, the unveiling of the new machinima website http://machiniplex.com. The featured new machinima film was the hilarious "Morning Run Amok" by FlingFilms which was the perfect way to start a Saturday morning. If you like the trailer,…
Justice Department poo-poo’s Net Neutrality, tells telecoms to start charging for tiered Net access
Yahoo News is reporting that the Justice Department has given approval for telephone and cable companies to start charging different rates to customers based on the particular websites and services they visit. Internet service providers in the US have been seeking to change their fee and technical structure so that they can change customers more…
FAIR releasing report on dismal state of poverty news coverage
"Stop Evicting Katrina Survivors!" Originally uploaded by The Voice of Eye Tomorrow, the group Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting (FAIR) is releasing a new study entitled "Poverty of Coverage" which analyzes major television network coverage of poverty over the last 3 years. Among the findings: A low amount of coverage of poverty issues…
Center for disabled virtual worlders and gamers opening September 9 in Second Life
I just saw this press release about a new Accessibility Center opening in Second Life on a couple of blogs and thought I should check it out. On September 9, at 4PM PST, the iVinnie Accessibility Center will officially open on HealthInfo Island (Teleport SLURL). The Accessibility Center provides "continuing education and awareness about disabilities…
Mixed-reality panel in Mexico City on “Virtual Worlds, Immigration and Linguistic Diaspora” September 10
On Monday, September 10, at 10:15AM PST, there will be a mixed-reality panel discussion on "From Global to Local: Virtual Worlds, Immigration, and Linguistic Diaspora," taking place both at USC Annenberg Island in Second Life (teleport SLURL) and the Tecnológico de Monterrey Campus Santa Fe, in Mexico City. The panel will explore how "the interdependence of…