So I went to see my doctor earlier this week to get the results of some blood tests. Friends know that a few months ago he said I was on the verge of diabetes. Now — after fairly drastic dietary changes, rigorous exercise, dropping ten pounds and taking smelly fish oil pills every morning —…
Free Press Action Network seeks media activist bloggers
The media reform group Free Press announces the launch of a new "Action Network" community blog service. They invite bloggers and citizen journalists to join them in chronicling how people in their communities are working toward more democratic, just media. Registered users can post to their own blog, comment on other posts, rate, and share…
“Ruckus Nation” offering $300K to get kids off their fat asses
Remember all those news stories about how schools were installing "Dance Dance Revolution" machines in their rec rooms because it got their students exercising? Or blog entries about a guy who lost a bunch of weight playing WII sports? Here’s a new competition to come up with the next DDR that gets kids butts in…
Yehoodi Talk Show episode 422 : the Web2.0 Show
Spuds and I finished recording and uploading (a bit late) another episode of our bi-weekly swing podcast the Yehoodi Talk Show. In this show, Spuds and I talk about lots of cool Web2.0 sites that can enhance your swing experience, or maybe just keep you from work for a few minutes, including video aggregators, photo…
Alaskan Airlines article on education in Second Life features Global Kids, Zoomlab
Joyce over at Global Kids sends a link to a very positive article in the Alaskan Airlines in-flight magazine about education in Second Life called "Next-Generation Education." You can read some nice write-ups of Global Kid’s efforts on the Teen Grid and their machinima project, as well as Zoomlab’s work bringing New York and Amsterdam…
Mole in the morning
It’s been interesting seeing how my cat Mole’s character has developed over the past couple of years. Generally he’s a pretty aloof, feisty little guy, more interested in being chased around than petted. He has no interest in sitting in anyone’s lap, and usually resists being held. The early morning is the only time when…
I’m Brooklyn Bound!
Yes, that’s right, I’m headed to Brooklyn, baby! To the right is the Google Map image of the apartment building in Fort Green I’m moving into starting October 1. After a pretty stressful past month or so of an increasingly desperate housing search, my friend Ryan and I fell in love with this lovely, spacious…
American Cancer Society grand opening in Second Life this Sunday
The American Cancer Society is holding an official dedication and grand opening event for its new headquarters in Second Life (Teleport SLURL) on Sunday September 23. The festivities start at 12 noon PST with opening speeches by representatives of the ACS, the SL Relay for Life, a cancer survivor, and a doctor. This will be…
European language fest comes to SL September 26
Here’s an event that makes me — the "International Man of Inaction" — very happy. Birdie Newcomb sent out information on an interesting language festival coming up next Wednesday, September 26: Belle Isle is hosting a Festival of European Languages, September 26, from 8am to 2pm SLT, celebrating cultural diversity. The centerpiece of the Festival…
New York Times on classical performance in Second Life
The New York Times Arts Section has an interesting article about the challenges of transporting classical music into the virtual world. Entitled "Watching a Cyber Audience Watch a Real Orchestra Perform in a Virtual World," the impetus was the the concert by the Liverpool Royal Philharmonic in SL last week. I was lucky enough to…