My buddy Ill Robinson (Paul Marino), head of the Academy of Machinima Arts and Sciences, has just put up a super-sweet logo for the 2007 Machinima Festival. The Machinima Fest, for those that don’t know, is the principal gathering point for machinimators (digital filmmakers who use 3D computer graphics engines) from around the world. Every…
Tell the FCC to set aside spectrum for faster, cheaper internet!
The activist group Free Press sends out the alert that the US government is going to give away to telecom companies key slices of the radio spectrum left vacated in the transition to digital TV. In their view, these newly available frequencies should be kept aside for unlicensed use to facilitate faster, cheaper form of…
Destroy TV and Walker Spaight united in virtual matrimony
Despite the lag and crashiness, I managed to capture this photo of SL journalist Walker Spaight and android avatar Destroy TV moments after they are wedded before a crowd of cheering and wooting onlookers in Caledon sim. The engagement was only announced in the SL Herald a couple of days ago. I fear the love-struck…
Slideshow of avatars with their creators
Ailin Qin and her avatar Ansche Chung Am I my avatar? Or is it a mask I hide behind? What does my avatar say about me? You can not help but ask yourself these questions after checking out the book Alter Ego: Avatars and their Creators by Robbie Cooper. Cooper does a very simple thing:…
iCommons open internet summit goes multiverse
The iCommons summit brings together several hundred of the major pioneers, big thinkers, activists and developers working for an "open internet." This year’s gathering takes place from June 15-17 in Dubrovnik, Croatia. The convocation is full of internet rock-stars like Larry Lessig and Joi Ito of Creative Commons , Wikipedia Founder Jimmy Wales and CTO…
New banner and tagline for
I finally got around to redesigning the banner for this blog. I used as the central image a picture I took of the Unisphere in Flushing Meadows Park last spring. Hopefully the tagline better captures the somewhat grab-bag of topics I write about.
Frank and clever video on doing business in SL
Click To Play Check out this impressive video on doing business in Second Life by marketing firm Inside This World. Narrator and head of ITW, Biscuit Carroll pulls no punches on what he views as corporations who "get it" and those that don’t. Among those that are using SL smartly: Reuters (news and chat), IBM…
Avatars, actors and pundits talk politics on June 4 in multi-verse event
Jordan Bigel sends out news that InWorld Studios is partnering with the Creative Coalition to broadcast in Second Life a real-world discussion on US presidential politics with several prominent pundits, activists, and bloggers. Entitled "Talking the Talk: The Creative Coalition’s 21st Century Debate Dialogue in conjunction with the New Hampshire Presidential Debates," the event will…
NY Times 9 healthy eating recommendations
I finally, months later, got around to reading this astounding, and very long article in the NY Times on healthier eating, called "Unhappy Meals" by Michael Pollan. For those who don’t have the patience to wade through 12 web-pages of text (i.e. my girlfriend), here’s the quick summary of his nine main recommendations: Eat food….
Viral campaign launches Ambassador of Lindy Hop to #7 on Amazon
I am so proud of our swing dance community right now I could burst. What began as a random suggestion by my friend Shorty Dave — “Hey wouldn’t it be great if all the lindy hoppers in America bought Frankie’s book on the same day?” — blossomed into an international campaign that shot Frankie Manning: Ambassador…