Here’s a fun promotional video for the Dance Parade this Saturday, May 19, in New York. There’s like .5 seconds of swing in there even. LOL. Hip-hop dancers get all the love.
Dance for your right to dance this Saturday in New York!
This Saturday, May 19th is the 1st Annual Dance Parade celebrating every imaginable dance and drawing attention to NYC’s archaic cabaret laws. I will be putting on something snappy and lindy hopping with my fellow swing dancers from There will be literally thousands of other dancers representing a variety of genres from capoeira to…
What to wear to a virtual job fair?
For all you job hunters out there, I got the news that the group TMP Worldwide is organizing a virtual job fair called "Network in World" from May 15-17. Big deal, you think. Just the other day I was interviewing for a job as a bouncer at club DyNASTY and the day before as a…
Four Quick Tips to Publicizing Your Non-profit Second Life Event
A key strategy for raising the visibility of your non-profit in Second Life is organizing in-world events. There are hundreds and hundreds of events occurring on a given day competing for avatars’ attention and attendance. So learning how to publicize your non-profit’s fundraisers, meetings, lectures, concerts, contests and other in-world activities is an essential skill…
Mmmmm, schmaltz!
Here’s a lovely trio of dinner accoutrements at Sammy’s Roumanian restaurant in the Lower East Side: a bottle of seltzer, ketchup and a syrup container filled with schmaltz. What is schmaltz, you say? It’s a bit of Eastern European jewish goodness: rendered chicken fat. You can pour it on toast, your steak or really anything…
All kids love to swing
Tonight the Harlem Renaissance Orchestra performed at the World Financial Center for an appreciative, multi-generational audience. This cute kid was particularly excited about the band. More pictures here.
My doctor says I am one Krispy Kreme shy of diabetes
A couple of days ago I went to my doctor to get the results of a physical I had done. I was feeling pretty good: I have been going to the gym pretty regularly, eating better. I expected a clean bill of health. So I was a bit surprised when my doctor looked over my…
Virtualive concert tonight: Hey, avatar, down in front!
Nexeus Fatale was kind enough to invite me to the Virtualive mixed-reality concert tonight at the Canal Room in Tribeca. I ran into a bunch of cool SL people there including Frans Charming, Rhiannon Chatnoir, Hiro Pendragon, and Will Ward. I could only stay for the opening act, Shock Radar, who rocked the house while…
Save Internet Radio 10-hour Party this Saturday in SL
I got news of this cool "save Internet radio" party coming up this Saturday in SL! DJ Synn invites all music-loving avatars to come out to a ten-hour marathon protest party from 10AM-10PM PST on Saturday May 12. The all-day event is an effort to raise awareness of the threat to Internet radio (in the…
US military interested in creating “Game World” educational gaming framework
When the US military starts paying attention to educational gaming, you know it has passed a threshold from novelty to necessity. It looks like the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) of the Defense Department is looking for a development platform to test a range of educational games. The call for proposals entitled "Game World"…