This week, the Public Works Resource Center (teleport SLURL) is holding a series of events to raise awareness of the new "811" call service, which is launching tomorrow (May 1). What is 811 for, you ask? 811 is the new number you should call before you begin any digging project. A new, federally-mandated national "Call…
STA Travel dorms: the future of SL housing?
Over the weekend I stopped by the new STA Travel sim, created by the Electric Sheep Company. For those who haven’t been to college in awhile, STA Travel is a ubiquitous presence in campuses all over America, tempting you with discounted travel packages to farflung places. Nothing makes an Intro to Electrical Engineering class go…
Added video and audio streams to Yehoodi HQ in Second Life
Slowly I am starting to get established Yehoodi’s in-world presence, in our new HQ at the Non-profit Commons (teleport SLURL). Today’s lesson in Second Life living was "How to set up an audio and video stream on your property." It’s so easy that even a dummy like me could figure it out. I got both…
“Planet B-boy”: amazing documentary on breakdance around the world
Last night Cindy and I were lucky enough to catch the documentary "Planet B-Boy," playing as part of the Tribeca Film Festival. The setting was pure New York: a large outdoor screen set up at the World Financial Center gathering various strata of NY society — from Staten Island guidos to Williamsburg artsies to rowdy…
Happy Fun Smile : Okinawan pop straight outta New York
Cindy and I finally got to see the NY-based Japanese pop band "Happy Fun Smile" at the Sakura Matsuri (cherry blossom) festival at the Brooklyn Botanic Gardens today. They played a fun set of okinawan traditional pop and Japanese chindonya, all of it high energy and highly entertaining for a packed crowd of garden visitors. …
Hanging at “Coffee and Pajamas” 50th show
That’s Illbixby Cerveau, myself, and Doubledown Tandino. We’re all grooving to the great tunes being spun by DJ Elfay Pinkdot in the background at the "Coffee and Pajamas" jazz party this morning. Yes, I know, you are envious of my Hello Kitty PJs. Congrats, Elfay, on your 50th show! Here’s to many, many more!
Elfay spins an all SL musicians set today at “Coffee & Pajamas”
The lovely and talented DJ Ms. Elfay Pinkdot is spinning today a special set of music for her weekly "Coffee and Pajamas" jazz brunch in SL. This morning she is spinning songs performed by Second Life musicians, a number of whom are skilled jazz artists such as Flaming Moe and Astrin Few. Sounds like a…
Support Net Radio: get your congressperson to support H.R.2060
Looks like the US Copyright Office has denied requests for a re-hearing on the issue of the new royalties structure for internet radio stations. For those who haven’t been following the issue, the RIAA in early March successfully got the US Copyright Office to accept a new set of exorbitant song royalty fees for netradio…
Frim Fram: my regular Thursday hang
Just got in super-late, tired but satisfied after a night of dancing. Every Thursday night, for the past five years, my team at Yehoodi has thrown a weekly swing dance party in Manhattan that has become a central gathering point for swing dancers in the city, and a must-visit spot for visiting dancers from around…
Avatars walk the world to fight hunger
The UN World Food Programme every year organizes a "Walk the World" fundraiser / awareness raising event to draw attention to the problem of famine and hunger around the world. In towns and cities all over the planet, people gather to walk in support of humanitarian aid and development assistance for the most needy. This…