Cindy has been looking after my cat Mole Negro for a few days. She says he always has a stupid look on his face like the Japanese character Chococat. That’s appropriate since Mole was named after a Mexican sauce that includes chocolate as one of its main ingredients. What do you think?
Letting my inner leader out in Sonoma
I’m off tomorrow for a non-profit leadership training retreat in the lovely Sonoma Valley being facilitated by the Rockwood Leadership Program. I hear that the retreat venue is really lovely with a pool, hot tub, massage center and fine dining. I’m looking forward to stepping back a bit from the work and examining some of…
Does Web2.0 make us more engaged or divided?
I went to a cool panel on “Democratization of the Networked Public Sphere” at the New School featuring Danah Boyd, Ethan Zuckerman and Trebor Scholz. So many thought provoking ideas flying all around the room, I was dizzy by the end. Ethan’s talk was closest to my heart, talking about the potential of networked, remixed…
Ok, Twitter is pretty neat
I think I am coming off the fence and deciding that I like Twitter. For those that don’t know, Twitter is a creative melding of instant message, mini-blogging, and SMS texting technologies into one ridiculously simple package. You basically set up a free account, associate your favorite instant message and/or cell phone SMS text service,…
Yehoodi’s new virtual home
Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you the future virtual home of Yehoodi in Second Life (teleport SLURL) courtesy of Techsoup and Anshe Chung Studios. Once known as the "website for the hardcore hepcat swinger" we will now be known as the "3D immersive, community-based media environment for the hardcore hepcat swinger." Ok, not really.
Music, Technology and IP Policy Day May 2 in DC
I just got word about this conference on "Music, Technology and IP Policy", which will address recent developments in media structure and public policy as they effect musicians and other artists. Sponsored by the Future of Music Coalition and the American Constitution Society for Law and Policy, the all-day event will take place on Wednesday,…
Video of “Chambers & Landscapes” Macro Photo Installation
Click To Play “Chambers and Landscapes" is an immersive art installation by Douglas Story that incorporates his stunning floral macro photography. I was so impressed I had to shoot a quick machinima video of me walking through it, which doesn’t really compare to the real experience. To see it yourself, head over to the Angel…
Google Earth + Darfur: a powerful tech mash-up
The US Holocaust Museum has teamed up with Google Earth to offer a startling and powerful overlay of the region of Darfur onto Google’s interactive earth map. You can see where all the of the refugee camps are, which villages have been destroyed, view photos, and read testimony from people in the region. I have…
My first foray into online community: the BBS
I was feeling nostalgic reading through old diaries from the 90s, when I ran across this entry about my explorations of bulletin board systems (BBS) while I was living in Washington DC. For those too young to remember, we used to have to dialup with our 14.4 mbaud modems to connect to these somewhat clandestine…
I’m a Wii Pro – is that cool or sad?
I am disproportionately proud of myself for achieving "pro" status at Wii bowling. Perhaps because I have always thought I could be a really good bowler in real life if I applied myself and took a few lessons. Of course there is no where to go now but down so I have a disincentive to…