I finally got a chance to catch the dance production "Olmannen" by the Second Life Ballet troupe this evening. I admit that I am not very fond of ballet — I find the movement very stilted and regimented and the music not to my taste. But I love dance and virtual worlds, so I felt…
The Brazilians are coming, the Brazilians are coming!
Global Voices Online has a suberb summary of a number of blog posts about the rapidly expanding Brazilian presence in Second Life. Brazil is such a huge and culturally powerful country (a sub-continent, really), I could see its people taking over major chunks of SL if they wanted to, similar to their pwning of Orkut…
Second Life bans the Dutch! Who’s next, the Welsh?
Ok, so they have a really funny language and insist on putting mayo on their fries, still that’s no reason to keep Dutch people from accessing Second Life. According to Dutchies Frans Charming and Menno Ophelia, folks using the Netherlands’ based ISP "XS4ALL" have not been able to log into the virtual world for the…
Jazz from San Antonio to the Metaverse starts tomorrow
Hep chick Adri Saarinen sends out the news that KRTU FM 91.7 Jazz for San Antonio is going to start broadcasting into the Metaverse with the launch of their Second Life "Virtual Jazz Studios" on April 25, tomorrow. Located on Metaversatility island, the studio has "a space for music sequencing, live station stream access, and…
Fair use of machinima for press story?
IANAL, for sure. On a couple of occasions I have found some of my machinima videos being used in television and web newscasts about Second Life or politics. Much of my work is licensed under a Creative Commons non-commercial / sharealike / attribution 2.0 license. So I have no major problem with my videos being…
Yahoo announces “first” online-only presidential debates
e-Democracy expert Steven Clift sends along the press release that Yahoo!, Slate Magazine and the Huffington Post have teamed up to organize a series of online-only debates between presidential candidates. Steven corrects the press release, which claims that this will be the "first ever" online-only debate between presidential candidates, which actually occurred way back in…
A 1,000 day sea journey casts off: God speed, Schooner Anne!
Today (Earth Day, by no coincidence) begins the epic 1,000 sea voyage of Reed Stowe and Soanya Ahmed from a pier in Hoboken out to parts unknown. Sailing aboard the beautiful and sturdy sailing 70′ vessel the "Schooner Anne," Reed and Soanya don’t intend to ever put into harbor or resupply for their entire voyage,…
Happy Earth Day!
Hurray for the Earth! There are a bevy of Second Life events going on today to celebrate Earth Day and help people and avatars live more responsibly on it, from lectures to tours to live music performances and dance parties.
Learning to lead
In the non-profit, social justice fields, often people end up in leadership positions out of their personal passion toward addressing a certain social ill. Someone might decide to dedicate their life to ending homelessness in America, or fighting racism against Latinos, or protecting the Northwest old growth forests. Out of that passion they found new…
Earthlink hates me
FYI, if you have been trying to reach me through my Earthlink email address and it has been bouncing, I am aware of the problem and calling them now. You can reach me at rik@rikomatic.com. Sorry for the inconvenience. UPDATE 4:30PM: Ok, the tech support folks tell me that it’s resolved. Please email me at…