I saw a write-up on Men’s Second Style about this new trenchcoat by Posy Trudeau and knew I just had to have it. Clearly reminiscent of the trenchcoats worn in the crazy great French film "Brotherhood of the Wolf", your avatar looks like one bad ass fother-mucker in it. Excellent detail on the cuffs, the…
“Fandomania” book launch party tomorrow (April 5) at Ars Virtua Gallery
My friend Gigi Giles (pictured here) dropped me a note about the SL release party for a cool new book of cosplayer portraits called Fandomania. The party, featuring Fandomania photographer Elena Dorfman (Stanley Dench in SL), will take place on April 5 at 4:00 EST the Ars Virtua Gallery (teleport SLURL). The exhibition will feature…
$100K available for “social good” projects: proposals due Friday!
Jennifer over at TechSoup sends me news about a cool initiative to fund non-profit tech projects: NetSquared Year Two (N2Y2) is set for May 29-30 in San Jose, and we’re looking for talented, engaged developers, hackers, nonprofits, etc. to propose cool new tech projects for social good. Submit project nominations by midnight PST on April…
The social impact of in-flight cell phone and wi-fi use
Yesterday the FCC closed its proposed rule making procedure pertaining to the use of cellular phones during air travel. The FCC decided to uphold the ban on in-flight cell phone use, citing a lack of technical evidence that in-flight cell phone use would not interfere with regular cell phone transmissions. There was no mention in…
So where’s the flood?
Hmmm, don’t know what was up with the virtual flood event that was supposed to happen this morning. I set my clock extra early to rez into the sims at the appointed times. Some of the sims were flooded, others were dry as a bone. No one appeared to be on hand filming or directing…
My Moo cards are on CNET!
This is pretty cool. This picture of my Moo business cards I had done a couple weeks ago is running alongside a CNET story about how Moo cards as the hippest networking tool. It’s interesting to see which Moo card is the most popular with people I give it to. So far its the one…
Second Life flooded tomorrow! Come get drowned for a cause!
I got word that Adventure Ecology and Ogilvy marketing are sponsoring tomorrow a flood of several sims in Second Life to highlight the dangers of global warming. Here’s the details: To highlight the potential devastating effect of climate change Adventure Ecology & Ogilvy will flood several locations in Second Life including Tokyo, Ibiza & The…
NSA to Open Virtual “Black Box” Office in Second Life
My buddy Jeff Porten sends along this choice "news" item from the Electronic Frontier Foundation’s April 1st newsletter: NSA to Open Virtual "Black Box" Office in Second Life The National Security Agency announced today plans to open a virtual office in the popular online game Second Life. The office will consist of a large black…
J. Walter on the accident that made him a jazz musician
I got news that my buddy jazz trombonist J. Walter Hawkes was featured on the NPR show "Studio 360" a couple of days ago, talking about the near fatal accident that transformed him into a jazz musician. Here’s the direct link to the audio stream (or just click on the image). There’s also a much…
Serenity authorized blueprints available soon
I just got word that Quantum Mechanix Inc will be offering what looks like a beautiful set of of blueprints of the spaceship "Serenity" from the movie of the same name. I gotta admit I get a little goosebumpy just looking at the images. Reminds of the giant cutaway poster I had of the Starship…