Doing my duty as event guy at New World Notes, I’ve been noticing that there are lots and lots of events being sponsored by a new Hare Krishna group in SL. Which has made me wonder, what are the limits of religious tolerance in Second Life?
My interview on Pacifica Radio Program “Deadline LA”
I did a short interview that was broadcast today on the KPFK Pacifica Radio program "Deadline LA" hosted by Barbara Osborn and Howard Blume. The whole program is very interesting, dealing with YouTube and human rights abuses. From the description: Is YouTube the new forum for human rights abuses? Could be. A Guantanamo detainee was…
Chat log from in-world Obama event today
Some folks asked for the chat log of the Obama in-world "appearance" today. So here it is, with some of the extraneous "lol" and side comments not included. I hope it’s helpful to someone.
Pics from Obama’s SL appearance today
US Presidential hopeful Barack Obama appeared in SL today on SoHo island, with the help of ForeFront Media… sort of. In reality, someone was puppeteering his avatar while an audio stream played his live webcast. I took some pics of his nicely designed avatar and some crowd shots. Enjoy.
Short video of Obama appearance in SL today
Click To Play An avatar of Barack Obama appeared in Second Life today (March 31) as part of his national webcast of a "living room" conversation with supporters. Nice looking avatar, and interesting to experience the stream with a bunch of other Americans and others from around the world. (Click here for more pics.) I…
wii + Second Life = mad sweet
I got a chance to play with the Gideon May’s wiimote controller hack for Second Life at the Metaverse Meetup last night in the East Village. I must admit, I squealled like a 12-year old girl while I was playing with it. According to 3PointD, over the last couple of days, Gideon hacked together a…
Bleeding edge tech confronts the oldest human problem
This quote from legendary American journalist Edward R. Murrow has been bouncing around my head the past few days: The newest computer can merely compound, at speed, the oldest problem in the relations between human beings, and in the end the communicator will be confronted with the old problem, of what to say and how…
Trying on Adam n Eve’s “Hiro” asian skin
I read up in the cool men’s fashion blog Men’s Second Style about the new ethnic skins created by the folks at Adam and Eve (teleport SLURL). I bought the "Hiro" asian skin that I thought was close to my skin tone to see how it looks. I’m not interested in creating a photorealistic duplicate…
Obama supporters gathering on Second Life Capitol Hill sim this Saturday
Just got word of what sounds like one of the first Second Life rallies in support of a presidential candidate. According to a group notice I got from the Capitol Hill group, supporters of Barack Obama will gather on Saturday March 31 at 2:30pm PST at SL Capitol Hill (teleport SLURL) for a rally to…
Online Pornography Research Call for Papers
(If this doesn’t shoot up my google search stats, I don’t know what will.) I just received this call for papers for an academic "Collection on Online Pornography": Proposals are sought for a new edited collection on online pornography. Although online pornography attracts a great deal of public attention and is frequently the focus of…