My friend D-Rod took some great pictures from the Easter Parade yesterday, even if most of them are of Eff and Lisa pictured above. I’m unclear on what a Shriner’s hat and a Chinese print smoking jacket have to do with Easter, but that’s my buddy Eff for ya. Thanks, D-Rod! According to the NY…
The joy of swingin’ in the Easter Parade
I met up with some swing dance friends today on Fifth Avenue and 49th for the annual Easter Parade, one of my favorite New York events of the year. More of a promenade than a parade, every year on Easter Sunday New Yorkers put on their Sunday best and strut their stuff down Fifth Avenue. …
Podcasters invade Manhattan!
I spent today at PodCamp NYC, which was quite an interesting event that I decided to attend at the very last minute last night. The "unconference" gathered around 400 podcasters and other interested folks to talk about issues facing podcast producers like intellectual property rights, monetizing their work, and increasing your listening audience. As a…
Off to Podcamp tomorrow
At the last second I got word about this cool podcaster gathering happening tomorrow at the New Yorker Hotel in Manhattan: Podcamp NYC. Looks like there will be hundreds of cool podcasters and other new media folks there, tons of interesting panels and discussions, and best of all, it’s absolutely FREE. Amazing. Compare that to…
“Date a Designer” fundraiser for cancer research tomorrow (Saturday) in SL
I got this notice about a neat fundraiser as part of the American Cancer Society’s "Relay for Life" activities in SL. Now you too can hang out with the beautiful people — yes, you can date a designer: This Saturday, April 7, 2007 at 12 PM SLT you can add the ultimate designer accessory to…
My kitty avatar at “Fandomania” art show
Today was the official opening of the in-world art show of photos from the book Fandomania by Elena Dorfman. That’s Elena’s avatar Stanley Dench in the background. I was there in full Tron armor glory, but decided to switch over to my tiny kitten avatar (I’m the black one, of course.) Seemed more apropos, given…
Bad mofo trenchcoat at Civvies
I saw a write-up on Men’s Second Style about this new trenchcoat by Posy Trudeau and knew I just had to have it. Clearly reminiscent of the trenchcoats worn in the crazy great French film "Brotherhood of the Wolf", your avatar looks like one bad ass fother-mucker in it. Excellent detail on the cuffs, the…
“Fandomania” book launch party tomorrow (April 5) at Ars Virtua Gallery
My friend Gigi Giles (pictured here) dropped me a note about the SL release party for a cool new book of cosplayer portraits called Fandomania. The party, featuring Fandomania photographer Elena Dorfman (Stanley Dench in SL), will take place on April 5 at 4:00 EST the Ars Virtua Gallery (teleport SLURL). The exhibition will feature…
$100K available for “social good” projects: proposals due Friday!
Jennifer over at TechSoup sends me news about a cool initiative to fund non-profit tech projects: NetSquared Year Two (N2Y2) is set for May 29-30 in San Jose, and we’re looking for talented, engaged developers, hackers, nonprofits, etc. to propose cool new tech projects for social good. Submit project nominations by midnight PST on April…
The social impact of in-flight cell phone and wi-fi use
Yesterday the FCC closed its proposed rule making procedure pertaining to the use of cellular phones during air travel. The FCC decided to uphold the ban on in-flight cell phone use, citing a lack of technical evidence that in-flight cell phone use would not interfere with regular cell phone transmissions. There was no mention in…