<rant> This just steams my beans. Stephen Colbert nearly pleads for this kind of fan adoration, and when some enterprising SL machinimators create a video in homage to him, his parent company Viacom issues a DMCA takedown on their ass. Next up: NBC goes after children creating shadow puppets that resemble characters from "Lost." </rant>…
New additions at virtual Capitol Hill; a quick peek at Presidential hopefuls HQs in Second Life
Tonight I dropped in on virtual Capitol Hill (teleport SLURL) to check out the new interactive tools the owners have put in place. As much as I admire what the Clear Ink guys have done creating the faux government sim, I have been discouraged by the lack of interest in the sim, mostly due to…
Cheapskate MacArthur Foundation offers 50 bucks for digital learning project
I got an email invite to a "future of learning" event on April 21 sponsored by the MacArthur Foundation. I had to chuckle about the byline at the bottom of the email that said that MacArthur had launched a "$50 digital media and learning initiative." Wow, $50! I think I can get a mansion and…
Feeling edgy and blue: time to armor up
I’ve been feeling on edge and sad lately. I’ve been coping by rocking out to old Live albums "Throwing Copper" and "Mental Jewelry." I’m not really a rock music person, but when you are feeling shitty screamed vocals, dissonant electric guitars, and pounding drums have a nice cathartic effect. Oh, and I’ve been shopping… or…
Stanford proposes Library of Congress archive “historically significant” computer games
Henry Lowood of Stanford University recently announced his proposal to the Library of Congress that video / computer games be added to the list of important digital media being archived by the Library. QJ.net reports that on March 8 at the Game Developers Conference (GDC), Henry Lowood unveiled a proposed "game canon," i.e. a list…
Anne Lamott on dancing and eventual grace
Anne Lamott is one of my favorite writers, and one of my top five sort-of-famous people I would like to have dinner with. By chance I came across an email about Anne doing a book signing at the local Barnes and Nobles last night and I just had to stop by. Her new book is…
Animal welfare group’s virtual HQ griefed: show some love, people!
Click To Play (I’m hesitant to post this, cause it just gives publicity to some anonymous griefer. But it’s for a good cause.) So tonight I was zipping by Progressive Island in Second Life, visiting the new space created for the International Fund for Animal Welfare, when I was immediately assaulted by obnoxious music and…
TurboTax is taxing my patience
Trying to be a good citizen for once and file my taxes well ahead of April 15. TurboTax has done a decent job in the past, but tonight it’s pissing me off. Somehow the program has gotten into its head that I need to make estimated tax payments in 2007, which is totally wrong. My…
“300” : a kick-ass CGI-powered mythic tale
I just saw "300" with some friends at the local IMAX theater. In a nutshell, it’s what a blockbuster film should be: awe-inspiring and richly entertaining. It’s primarily a war movie, and the film delivers action that is relentless, thrilling and hyper-stylized. I found the use of CGI and blue screen in the film nearly…
Free track from legendary 80s electronic group Information Society!
Wow, who knew that the ground-breaking electronica group Information Society was still kicking around? That’s so sweet. Apparently, despite some group drama and new members, they have held together in some form through the 90s and into the 00s. They recently had a big hit in Brazil. Even sweeter is that they have a new…