The Academy of Machinima Arts and Sciences has released the nominees for this years "Mackies" machinima awards. An impressive number of the digital films include works by Second Life machinimists, including: "Game Over" by Pierce Portocarrero nominated for Best Technical Achievement and Best Visual Design "Silver Bells and Golden Spurs" by Eric Call nominated for…
Fun Swedish swing dance video
Damn those Swedes can swing. Here’s a sweet dance video of the Swedish swing performance team confusingly named the "Harlem Hot Shots." Recorded at the Herräng Dance Camp in July 2006. I know the band doesn’t look like they are playing, but…
My stuff on the Internets today
Just a quick note about a couple things I’ve been involved with that are on the series of tubes today: My latest Second Life "Event Picks" are on New World Notes. Notably, Witness, the "indie hip hop" artist, is playing tomorrow night. He’s definitely got some flow, so check out his MySpace page. Also the…
First gubernatorial e-debate in Minnesota
e-Democracy guru Steven Clift has done it again, organizing the first gubernatorial e-debate in Minnesota. His site smoothly brings together streaming videos posted by each of the candidates, daily blog posts and rebuttals, RSS feeds, flickr photos, and email updates. Taking place from October 9-19, several issues important to Minnesotans have already been debated, including…
Your tax dollars at work: US government regulation of virtual worlds
Reuters (now with their own Second Life Bureau desk!) reports that the US Congress is considering how virtual economies such as those within Second Life and World of Warcraft interact with US tax code. According to federal economist Dan Miller: Right now we’re at the preliminary stages of looking at the issue and what kind…
I’m standing up against poverty – are you?
Today I’m doing my part to stand against poverty. Head over here for more info on how you can participate today and tomorrow.
Torley’s free techno kicks ass
Torley Wong (aka Torley Linden in Second Life) is many things: a machinima filmmaker, a Linden Lab employee, a lover of watermelons. But most importantly, he’s a a kick ass techno artist. Or at least was until hyperacusis took out his ability to compose or even listen to music. Despondent for awhile, but generous to…
Final pics from Versu’s 72-hour build-a-thon
Versu did it! She emerged, unscathed (and dry) from her 72-hour voluntary confinement to a storefront window for a virtual build-a-thon from the corner of 39th Street and 5th avenue. The results from my non-expert perspective are quite impressive, with a high level of detail and sense of place designed by the master builder. More…
Versu’s latest challenge: underwater sim building
In a dramatic move, virtual marketing firm Millions of Us ramped up the challenge for master builder Versu Richelieu this evening by filling her 3 x 8′ storefront workspace with water. In the last day of her grueling 72-hour marathon Second Life build, Versu now has to contend with the significant difficulties of working in…
Jerry & Celia’s wedding dance (video)
My dance friends Jerry and Celia tied the knot over the weekend. They had a very simple and lovely civil ceremony and dance party in Manhattan with 150 of their closest friends and family. Here is a video of their wedding dance, one of the loveliest I’ve seen, featuring at least six styles of dance,…