Man, those folks over at Parioli sim have created some incredible 360 degree images of places in Italy that really make me wish I was there. I really wanted to walk over to the Coloseum and hang out in the bleachers. This panoramic photo of a plaza in Italy was so real it seems like…
Ban Ki Moon is next UN Secretary-General: share your views on the race
I’ve mentioned previously that my pal Tony Fleming runs a very well-done blog covering the race of the UN Secretary-General position in 2007. Tony tells me that he has been invited by the Washington Post to provide background material on the UN Secretary General’s race. Using this material, the Post asked leading editors, writers and…
Snow Crash HUD e-book available for purchase
Last month I mentioned that Penguin Publishers UK was releasing an in-world version of the classic cyber-punk novel Snow Crash (1994) by Neal Stephenson. I finally got a hold of the sampler HUD (heads up display) from the Rivers Run Red HQ in Avalon (225, 55, 37). The HUD is definitely a lot easier to…
John Bransford: let’s build an “innovation island” to develop learning environments
Here’s a few pictures from the excellent presentation on "Virtual Environments as ways to Reorganize Thinking about Research and Education" that Dr John Bransford, education psychology specialist affiliated with the National Science Foundation, gave today in Second Life. The complete transcript of the event can be found here. You can view the video shown during…
Avatars and humans stand up against poverty
In my previous job, I was responsible for promoting civil society activity on the United Nations Millennium Development Goals, a set of development targets agreed to by the governments of the world in 2000 at the UN General Assembly. It’s an important list of commitments to combat some of worst social ills — including poverty,…
Salon on the Net Neutrality and the “telecom slayers”
There’s a couple of nice quotes from my colleague Ben Scott, policy director at the media reform group Free Press, in a story on Net Neutrality entitled "The Telecom Slayers": In his Capitol Hill office, Scott keeps a small framed photo from the movie "Cool Hand Luke." It is the famous scene where…
Get your SL events posted on New World Notes!
I’m excited to report that I’ll be contributing to the pre-eminent blog on all things Second Life "New World Notes" run by the intrepid embedded journalist, Hamlet Au. Specifically, I’ll be covering the "events of the week" section, helping point residents to interesting and fun happenings that they might want to participate in. More info…
Monday cuteness: Tina and Ike
My girlfriend has sweetly brought over two six-week-old kittens for me to foster for a couple of weeks until they can be properly adopted. We’ve christened them Tina and Ike, with Ike obviously being the more aggressive one and Tina more touchy-feely. They are about the perfect size for cat juggling, but aren’t good for…
Oh Lord Philip forgive me…
What the hell am I doing (T)here?
Virtual memorial to domestic violence victims
In honor of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, real life women’s legal advocate Ziolla Magpie will be launching a “Silent Witness” display on October 1 to create awareness of the victims of domestic violence around the United States. The installation features a ring of sillouettes with word bubbles containing various statistics about domestic violence in different…