My dance friends Jerry and Celia tied the knot over the weekend. They had a very simple and lovely civil ceremony and dance party in Manhattan with 150 of their closest friends and family. Here is a video of their wedding dance, one of the loveliest I’ve seen, featuring at least six styles of dance,…
Pic’s from Versu Ricelieu’s 72-hour live build
I just dropped in on Versu Richelieu’s live 72-hour build taking place both in the real world and in Second Life. Starting this morning at 7am, Millions of Us employee Versu Richelieu entered the store window of computer store Datavision in Manhattan at 39th Street and 5th Avenue. For the next three days, she’ll be…
Symposium and photo contest on Digital Media (due date Oct 18)
Alan Levine, aka CDB Barkley, announces that as part of a twelve day symposium on "the impact of digital media" being sponsored by the NMC Campus, they are holding a photo contest on the contest theme. According to the contest rules, images "must capture in still photography the power of digital media, or some impact…
Off to Athens for Internet Governance Forum!
It looks like I will be going to Athens, Greece for the inaugural meeting of the Internet Governance Forum, from October 30 to November 2! The IGF is a UN-organized body devoted to supporting "multi-stakeholder policy dialogue" on the Internet and its governance and regulatory policies. I believe that I am being invited to speak…
New York teens needed for SL digital filmaking project
Barry Joseph (aka "Globalkids Bixby" in SL) at Global Kids sends out exciting news about a new program they are launching at the Museum of the Moving Image in Astoria, Queens to teach teens how to make digital films: Global Kids will work with 20 high school students at the Museum of Moving Image in…
Thoughts on strategic uses of virtual environments for the UN
Recently I was contacted by the programme officer of a UN agency for advice on how they could best use the virtual world of Second Life to promote their organization’s goals. As an activist with more than ten years of experience with various international campaigns and coalitions at the United Nations, and an active Second…
Rik’s Picks for October 11-15
In case you are looking for something to do in Second Life, my event picks for October 11-15 are now available on New World Notes. I highlight the Second Library / Info Island opening events, as well as Versu Richelieu’s live 72-hour build, the "Stand-Up Against Poverty" Concert featuring Sugarcult and a geisha debut! Quite…
Immersion versus Augmentation: the final conflict
Zebediah Godwin (pictured above) hosted a very interesting discussion last night on the theme of "World or Platform? The Reality of SL." The event was quite well attended with a vibrant exchange of views on the subject of "augmentation" versus "immersion" as the primary paradigm for people’s Second Life experience. It was like being at…
Angelic Accordians at Green-Wood Cemetery
This Saturday I went to a lovely installation / performance art piece called "Angels and Accordians" in the magnificent Green-Wood Cemetery in Brooklyn. My dancer/jewelry designer/vintage hound friend Laura was performing as one of the angels, so I knew it was going to be fun. It was a nearly perfect Fall day to be viewing…
Jerry Paffendorf speaking on the Metaverse Roadmap tomorrow
Poinky Malaprop, coordinator of the Kuurian Expeditions, sends me info that at their next meeting tomorrow evening (Tuesday Oct 10), they will feature a presentation "The Metaverse Roadmap Project: Pathways to the 3D Web" by Snoopybrown Zamboni / Jerry Paffendorf: In May of 2006 the Acceleration Studies Foundation began the process of mapping the metaverse…