The inimitable, ever-debonaire Fred Astaire.
First Taste of Georgian Cuisine, Best Chocolate Bonbons?
Yesterday was an unexpectedly awesome culinary adventure in the South Bay with my friends Hanah, Michelle and Brian. Hanah had heard good things about a new Georgian (country not the state) restaurant in Palo Alto called Bevri. So she gathered the troops and we met up there on a Wednesday night. The place was hopping…
If only these moments lasted forever….
This weekend I had a lovely Easter picnic with my cousins in Walnut Creek. Watching my niece Aria and little cousin Malia playing just fills my heart with happiness. While the moment can’t last forever, at least the gif can keep playing on and on and on.
Tacos, Civil Discourse, and the Need for a More Human Communications Protocol
The other night I was was having dinner with a new friend in a dingy but comfortable Mexican restaurant in Oakland. Over veggie tacos, she was telling me about a project she was working on, one that she moved to the Bay Area specifically for. She recounted how much work had already gone into it,…
Scending a Tall V2 Today
Finally scended this kinda scary v2 problem after getting stuck at the crux in the middle forever. Felt really great to top it! At Planet Granite SF.
Finally Back to Climbing after A2 Pulley Strain!
This week, after a few weeks off recuperating from a mild A2 pulley strain, I finally got back on the rock. My first session back was definitely a struggle bus on even the easiest problems. I was just really paranoid about re-injuring myself. But this morning I felt almost normal and really enjoyed climbing again….
On the Importance of Multiple Passions
An older figure I know has devoted his entire life to his profession. He’s excellent at it. It’s also the only thing he has practiced with any kind of dedication or passion for the last 40 or so years of his life. So now that he is in retirement age, he doesn’t have much else…
Rock Climbing Chronicles: A2 Pulley Strains Suck!
At the beginning of the month I got the most common injury that rock climbers get. It isn't a leg, arm or head injury. It's to the tiniest muscles that have to bear all of your weight: your fingers. Specifically, I have what's called an A2 Pulley Strain. Your fingers are composed of tendons, sheaths…
Designing Your Life: Applying a Designer’s Mindset to Your Career
I just finished Designing Your Life by Bill Burnett and Dave Evans. A present from a good friend (Thanks, Barry!), it comes at a perfect time in my life, as I contemplate a career shift. Designing Your Life is essentially a guide to applying a design-thinking process to career planning. As someone who has done…
Freestyle Session: “Keep Up” by Slakah the Beat Child
Finally got around to doing another freestyle dance session at Ocean Beach. This time the track was "Keep Up" by Slakah the Beat Child, suggested by my friend Morgan. Such a dope song! It was a beautiful sunny morning to be dancing by the sea.