Finally got around to watching all of "Everything Remains Raw" Moncell Durden's ambitious documentary on the Black roots of urban dance. Like the title, the film is very raw and unfinished, at times painfully so. There are parts of the work that have issues with. It diminishes the important role of Latinx dancers and culture…
Health Update: Feeling Stronger, Energetic
I'm entering 2018 feeling pretty great. This month I relaxed my paleo-focused diet to introduce more carbs during one of my meals, which so far has not had much of any impact on anything, other than reintroducing me to the joys of sandwiches and burritos. Mmm, sandwiches. Activity-wise, I'm climbing about three times a week,…
I Broke Up a Fight Today
Today on my lunch break, I was walking to a restaurant in the Inner Sunset when I came upon two older men kind of sprawled on the ground on top of each other. There was grunting and grappling, one with his arm around the neck of the other. A nearby bike was knocked over on…
iTapOnline: Learn to Tap with the Amazing Hillary-Marie!
Tap is one of the dance forms that has long been on my bucket list to tackle. I got off to a good start last year, taking a couple of introductory workshops and practicing at home. But finding the time for class and distance from the local dance studios have made it challenging for me…
Scooter Jacket Upgrade: The Corazzo Tempeste
I’ve been riding my scooter Bella for a few years now, wearing whatever heavy jacket I had available. But none of them were proper riding jackets, built to withstand the rigors of scooting around the city. Well it was high time I upgraded. After a lot of research and trying on a bunch of cycle…
Health Update: Carb-ing It Up!
For the past year or so, I've been doing various versions of no-sugar, no-carb / low-carb dieting. I've found it really helpful for my health, energy, weight, and general well-being. And for the most part really easy and tasty. I've been going on the assumption that these dietary practices have been activating the ketosis metabolic…
Sending a V2 with an Underhang
This V2 and the similar one next to it at Planet Granite was kicking my ass the last week or so. Today I got over the weirdness of hanging upside down and sent it. Actually really easy, after I got over that feeling.
“Step Up” Franchise Moves to YouTube with “High Water”
I've been a long time fan of the "Step Up" series, since the original from ten years ago. The movie franchise is moving over to YouTube starting on January 31 with "Step Up: High Water." Starring R&B star Ne-Yo, "High Water" focuses on an elite Atlanta dance school. So "Fame" for a new generation? Here's the…
How to Get a Solo Jazz Jam Started: The Rule of Three
I'm really interested in dance jam / cypher culture across dance styles. It's a way of creating ephemeral stages for each other that is always fascinating and fun. At Lindy Focus this December, I got this huge insight into how to get a solo jazz jam started. It's really simple, and yet kind of blows…
Sending a V3
This morning I sent this V3-rated bouldering route that had been bedeviling me at Planet Granite SF. For a couple of weeks I couldn't even get to the first hold, and it was irking me. Finally I figured out that I had to do a quick switch in grip from a pull to a push…