I saw these adorable looking sausage-y things in a Korean market on Fillmore and had to try them. I love fish cake. I like things in sausage form. Could be delish! Look at how happy those kids look! According to BuyKorea.org, this "fish sausage brand" from ChunHaJangSa "carries the history of Korea’s premium fish sausages. It…
Odd Sweet: Solo Jazz + House at Paris Jazz Roots Fest
Loving this video by mixed styles dancer Odd Sweet of Paris, doing a showcase at the Jazz Roots Festival last April. Apparently this performance won the showcase division, for good reason. So much character, musicality, and unique style. Odd Sweet is teaching workshops next week in SF. Excited to learn and dance with him! Here’s…
Taste Test: the Beyond Burger
Today I tried the "Beyond Burger", a vegan product that purports to be the most beef-like mass-market veggie burger out there. The Beyond Burger is the flagship product of Beyond Meat, a company aiming to "create mass-market solutions that perfectly replace animal protein with plant protein." They also make chicken strips (which my cousin swears…
Lazy Cosplay: Gaff from Blade Runner
I went to see the new film "Blade Runner 2049" at the Alamo Drafthouse last weekend. Although I knew no one else would, I wanted to dress up as one of the characters from the original "Blade Runner." But who to be? So many iconic roles: Deckard, Roy Batty, Pris, Sebastian. But when it came…
Taiwanese Kid Waackers Just Slay this Janet Jackson Tribute!
I just saw Janet Jackson in concert. And then this comes across my feed, from the incomparable Taiwanese waacker Akuma Diva. These are 11-15 year old students of Akuma's. I just can't….
Recipe: Asian Sweet Potato Noodles with Kale and Pine Nuts
I love my spiralizer. It turns veggies into paleo-friendly noodles in minutes. And everything is better with noodles. I recently discovered sweet potato noodles and now they are my new favorite thing. Sweet potatoes are full of awesome vitamins, just a little sweet, very filling, and part of most paleo diet plans. Here’s a recipe…
Seeing Janet Jackson in Concert Tomorrow! What to Wear?
Tomorrow I'm seeing Miss Janet Jackson live in concert for the first time! Let the countdown begin! This is actually a much delayed event, since I originally purchased tickets for a January 2016 show. But Janet postponed the tour to have a baby. Pretty impressive for a 50 year old! Anyway, she's finally back, having had the…
Climbing and Parenting
I went bouldering this morning and had an unexpectedly profound moment. There was what looked like a father-daughter duo of climbers that I couldn’t help observe (not the ones pictured). The girl was maybe 13 or 14 and just fearless and so strong already. They would suggest routes to each other, give each other tips…
Anne Lamott on “12 Truths from Life and Writing”
I'm an old fan of Anne Lamott, a writer's writer and a constantly inspiring figure in my life. So I was so pleased to stumble across this TED Talk she did earlier this year on "12 Truths from Life and Writing." I need to watch this every morning of my life.
Photo Shoot in Abandoned Oakland Train Station
Earlier this summer, my friend and awesome photographer Auey organized an impromptu photo shoot in an old abandoned train station in Oakland. We had a blast running around this beautiful, run-down space, in our vintage duds, shooting pics all over. Auey even shot a little video of Hanah and I dancing. Here are some of my…