Our teens have been bugging me about dancing the entire time in Chicago. So I finally did a little breaking last night while we were walking around Taste of Lincoln Avenue. Good times.
Stuck in Chicago!
Apparently there is some serious storm rolling through New York making it impossible for my Global Kids group of seven teens and three adults to return to JFK today. So we are stuck in Chicago an extra day, with an afternoon flight getting us into La Guardia at 6pm tomorrow. Our teens have been incredible…
Teens check out flesh eating beetles at Field Museum
Here’s some of the teen participants in I Dig Tanzania getting to experience the wonders of the dermestid flesh eating beetle up close at the Field Museum yesterday. Some experiences just can’t be translated into the virtual very well. [More about dermestid beetles.]
Why it’s hard to explain what “I Dig Tanzania” is
Alicia, one of the Chicago teens participating in the "I Dig Tanzania" summer camp, explained perfectly why the project is both innovative and hard-to-explain to outsiders. We need to hire this kid!
I Dig Tanzania field trip day two: a behind-the-scenes peek of the Field Museum
Bill from the Field Museum showing a large fossil archival area Today was the first substantive day of the I Dig Tanzania field trip to Chicago, since yesterday was really just the New York folks arriving and heading to Wrigley Field. Today was totally action-packed, with in-depth tours of the Field Museum’s incredible fossil holdings,…
At Cubs Game with Global Kids and Field Museum teens
Yesterday, Global Kids and the Field Museum brought together a group of teens from New York and Chicago for the second of the "I Dig Tanzania" summer camp. Over the course of the next two days, we’ll have them meeting with some of the researchers who were in Tanzania in the flesh, exploring the Field…
Demo of OpenSim at Metaverse Meetup at Global Kids HQ tonight
Here’s a quick video I took from the Metaverse Meetup this evening at the Global Kids offices. That’s David Levine of IBM Research (Zha Ewry in SL) and Adam Frisby of DeepThink Labs (Adam Zaius in SL) introducing the OpenSim project to the 30 or so folks in our conference room. Heady stuff. Sadly, I…
Global Kids invades Liberty Island!
I had a lovely day with my colleagues in the Global Kids Online Leadership Program during our staff retreat on Liberty and Ellis Islands. It couldn’t have been a more pleasant way to spend a Tuesday "at work." We spent the morning on Liberty Island, in the shadow of the statue, talking about the program…
Streaming Diplomats: the challenges of working with real and virtual teens and adults
Today I helped organize a pretty successful mixed-reality Global Kids event, featuring Dr. Francis Deng, the UN Special Representative on Genocide, speaking about Darfur and the UN’s response to situations like these. The Online Leadership Program of Global Kids, which I’m a part of, is making concerted efforts to coordinate our work more closely with…
Metaverse Meetup at Global Kids HQ this Wed July 23!
This Wednesday, July 23, Global Kids is playing host to the next NYC Metaverse Meetup. The topic is a timely one: "OpenSim and virtual worlds interoperability" featuring David Levine of IBM and Adam Frisby of DeepThink Labs. With the enormous growth in online spaces from Second Life to Google’s Lively to Sony Home, there will…