Just got home from an inspired, amazing night of dancing and music to support Barack Obama. Local lindy hopper Ramona Staffield got together an all-star cast of musicians, singers, lindy hoppers and hoofers to throw on a fundraiser dance concert at Union Pool tonight in Williamsburg. The event was officially in support of the non-profit…
Machinima Festival November 1 at Eyebeam in NYC
I’m excited to announce that the 2008 Machinima Festival is set for Saturday, November 1st at the fabulous Eyebeam studios in New York City. This is a historic period in the emergence of machinima as its own form of media, with more filmmakers, genres, and tools than ever before making this a truly public and…
“Swing Out for the Swing Vote” dance party tonight at Union Pool, Williamsburg
Tonight I’ll be dancing for Obama at Union Pool in Williamburg (Google Map). Local bad ass lindy hopper Ramona Staffeld is throwing a "Swing Out for the Swing Vote" dance party for the Democrats tonight at 8:30pm. There’s a kick ass swing band, performances by world-class dancers, and a full bar: Dance for the Democrats…
Sponsor Rafi & “make plastic bags history” in NYC
My buddy Rafi has been working over the past few months with an effort to get rid of plastic bags in New York City, called the "Back to the Sack" initiative. Rafi is asking for support for the environmental initiative as he participates in the "One City Walk" walkathon on November 8: Some of you…
Beijing’s Forbidden City as a virtual world (a mini-review)
I did a short fly-through of the new virtual world "Forbidden City: Beyond Space and Time" created by IBM and the Palace Museum of China. The goal of the project is "to provide the means for a world-wide audience to celebrate and explore aspects of Chinese culture and history" through doing a virtual tour of…
What’s for dinner: chicken mole, collards, and acorn squash
I will be the first to admit that I am not a good cook. I don’t plan well, get frustrated by recipes with more than four ingredients, and don’t have the patience for dishes that take more than 30 minutes to prepare. That said, I nailed tonight’s dinner: chicken breast with coconut mole sauce (from…
A chart of the entire Second Life Community (ok, not really)
I swear this is the last bubbl.us chart you are going to see from me for awhile. But I couldn’t resist creating an organizational chart of the Second Life Community as I see it. The turquoise bubbles are the main blocs of actors, under each are sub-divisions, and at the bottom of the heirarchy are…
Five Digital Media & Telecom policy challenges for the next US President
In just a few short weeks, Americans are going to the polls to select the next President of the United States. At Global Kids we’re pretty obsessed with following the elections, staff members shouting out news, debating, joking, and sharing links all during the work day. It’s to be expected from an organization that is…
“Stuff I’m Into” as organizational chart
I was playing around with the bubbl.us’s cool web chart creation tool and decided to map all the stuff I was "into." No wonder I’m so scattered at times. It’s a wonder that I can plan my day at all. Click on the image for a larger version.
Global Kids Organizational Chart using bubbl.us
DK at Mediasnackers.com a couple of weeks ago turned me on to a neat web-based brainstorming visualization tool called bubbl.us that I finally got a chance to check out this morning. Looks like a sweet way of quickly showing the connections and relationships between various actors, whether they be a coalition of non-profits or staff…