Tonight I was super-excited to see "Ballerina Who Loves B-boy," a Korean dance show featuring Extreme Crew, the winners of the 2007 Battle of the Year breakdance competition in Germany. I saw some of the sickest b-boying I’ve ever seen in person, bar none. That alone was worth the price of admission. The Korean crews…
Barack FTW 11/4! — Why Gamers Should Back Obama
I think it’s high time that people get past this notion of gamers as passive couch potatoes divorced from the world around them. I’ve seen gamers raise thousands of dollars for worthwhile causes like Penny Arcade’s "Child’s Play" charity and games for US troops overseas. Gamers can be ardent defenders of Net Freedom or even…
Breaking Swipes Practice (video)
My swipes are starting to come along, I think. It’s a deceptively simple move that takes a lot of coordination of your arms and legs and torso. I’ve got another show I’m doing with my breakdance group at PMT Studios in November that I have to start training for. It would be cool if my…
Why I’m voting Obama (a somewhat random list)
I should begin by saying that I have a good measure of respect for both presidential candidates John McCain and Barack Obama. I think they are both much better leaders of our nation than the current president. That said, I am voting Obama come November 4th. Here’s a somewhat random list of the reasons why:…
Global Kids’ teens registering New Yorkers on last day before Election 2008!
This just inspires the heck out of me. Here’s a group of 40-some Global Kids’ teens busting their butts to get New Yorkers registered to vote this afternoon in Union Square park. Today was the last day New Yorkers could register to vote in this critically important election year. Mad props to our Global Kids’…
Amira & I interviewed for MediaSnackers vodcast (video)
Click To Play My colleague Amira and I were recently interviewed by new media guru DK for his MediaSnackers vodcast during his tour of the eastern United States. We gave an overview of Global Kids and our interest in digital media and virtual worlds, and discuss in-depth what RezEd is all about. So nice to…
Happy Birthday, Dad! (machinima birthday card)
I couldn’t get my act together to be with my dad for his birthday in Los Angeles. So I made him a little machinima birthday card. Not as good as being there, but I thought he’d appreciate it. I love you, dad.
State Department event on Virtual Education: Constructivist Learning, Border Crossings, VW Certification Programs
Today I got the privilege to speak to an international audience of about 50 avatars about the work of Global Kids at a US State Department event called "Education Without Boundaries." It took place on USC’s lovely Annenberg Island in Second Life (click here to teleport). I was among a distinguished panel of educators including…
New Pimp Shoes
I wish there were any other phrase to describe the new outfit I bought for Yehoodi’s 10th Anniversary Party coming up in about a week and a half. But there is no other word to describe it other than — Pimpin’. If it were any more pimpin’, I’d have to have actual sex workers in…
Teens in Second Life debate the 2nd Obama/McCain debate
Tonight I organized, with the help of my colleagues Rafi and Joyce, a presidential debate watching party in Teen Second Life. We had a very good turnout of about 28 teens, several of whom stayed for the entire 90 minutes — which is asking a lot of a teenager on a school night. Pretty much…