I got in my in-box this link to a game trailer for “World of PeaceCraft,” the new Quaker-themed MMORPG coming out this December. Check out those graphics! They must have used some sophisticated mo-cap and lip sync to get Harrison Ford to look so lifelike. Sweet! (Yes, I’m a bad, bad person. Luckily Quakers don’t…
More on “Quaker Life: World of PeaceCraft” gameplay
Lots more attention than I expect from yesterday’s post about “Quaker Life: World of PeaceCraft” the new Quaker-themed MMORPG. I got a follow-up email from the WoP CEO of Thaddeus Thomas, who frankly wasn’t too thrilled that I leaked the news prior to their press conference next week. Urgg, sorry about that. Anyway, Mr. Thomas…
Quakers to launch MMORPG “World of PeaceCraft”
Since I have contacts with a number of Quaker institutions, I got this advance notice from the Quaker United Service (QUS) that I thought sounded pretty cool and relevant to this blog. The Religious Society of Friends — better known as the Quakers — will be launching this December a new online roleplaying game “The…
New report on Non-profits in Second Life released
I just downloaded my copy of the new report by Sandra Bettger "Nonprofits and Second Life: Promoting Causes Inside Second Life — For Real-World Impact." It’s a nice follow-up to my own report on non-profits in virtual spaces that was published by Global Kids last year. Sandra goes deeper into the actual experiences of 12…
Foundation For Rich Content offering L$20,000 for projects that enrich Second Life experience
The Foundation For Rich Content has announced a call for proposals for "rich content" in Second Life. What exactly is "rich content"? The FFRC defines it as "educational events, arts, virtual sports, cultural events and just fun things to do." Sounds a bit vague? Here’s some examples of past "rich content": Trivial Obsession Contest SL’s…
Machinima that Matter: A list of machinima films with a Social / Political Message
I view machinima (digital films created using a game engine or virtual world) as a powerful and accessible medium for storytelling and artistic expression. And despite its game-based roots, I think there is ample evidence that machinima can be used to engage people on serious issues and ideas — whether its the upcoming US Presidential…
Useless App of the Day: Poladroid for the Mac!
This what computers are good for — creating useless but entertaining programs that replicate stuff that worked just fine in the real world. DK of Mediasnackers tweeted a link to this awesomely useless and free Mac application called "Poladroid." Poladroid puts a cute Polaroid on your desktop that you can drop any image file on. …
How NOT to integrate global issues and hip-hop: Ban Ki Moon drops a rhyme
UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon "raps" about the role of private donors and foundations in helping the UN do its work. Ouch. I’m embarassed for the entire UN system. Someone really needed to advice Ban Ki Moon to not try and rap. Where were his advisers getting his back? And there are lots more…
Art for Justice Event at Second Life Justice Center October 24
Can virtual art stimulate real-world political action? Find out on Friday, October 24, as digital media artists Peggy Weil (Ping Rau in SL) and Nonny de la Peña (Nonny Writer) discuss how they are using 3D artwork as a form of political expression and civic engagement. In Second Life at the International Justice Center (click…
Scenes from Yehoodi’s 10th Anniversary weekend (video)!
I threw together this video montage from Yehoodi’s 10th anniversary celebration this past weekend, a whirlwind of live music, dancing, and partying until all hours that started on Thursday evening and went straight through to Sunday at 1am. This video gives you a small taste of what the weekend was like, including footage from: Our…