“Wherever you go, there you are.” I’m crying laughing because it’s true.
First Time Outdoor Bouldering!
Tonight on the spur of the moment I decided to head to Ocean Beach to try my hand at outdoor bouldering for the first time. I read last night about a couple of spots in San Francisco for bouldering, one of which was very near me. So I decided to check it out. There was…
My Tips on Bike Commuting on KQED Radio!
I knew that working at KQED would make me famous! Here’s where it starts. On Tuesday, a story aired on KQED radio about tips for commuting to work by bicycle, in preparation for “Bike to Work Day” coming up soon. I was quoted a couple of times for my tips on riding a folding bike…
Brooklyn Bombshell / Mermaid Parade Memories
I’ve got a few accolades under my belt. But this award for best marching group at the Coney Island Mermaid Parade in 2001 might be one of my most treasured wins of all time. This was the astounding result of one of my few experiences as a dance choreographer, in the early years of the…
Paris Jazz Roots 2019 Review: An Exuberant Celebration of Vernacular Jazz Dance
[NOTE: This was cross-posted to Yehoodi.com] “It’s likeā¦ a solo jazz mosh pit,” Pamela, a lindy hopper from Singapore , remarks beside me, looking out on the crowd. In front of us, hundreds of sweaty and happy people are solo jazzing like crazy to the sounds of the JB swing band, on day 1 of…
The Best Pastries I Ate in Paris
A a huge pastry nerd, a big priority for my trip to Paris last week was to get to experience French pastries, particularly croissants, from the source. I had a huge, impossible list of bakeries to hit up, but alas only got to visit a handful. Anyway, I experienced some amazing viennoiserie, and frankly don’t…
Disneyland Paris: Le Bon, le Mal y le Meh
Being a big Disney park nerd, I was excited to get to visit Disneyland Paris this week, as part of my Paris adventure. This was actually the second time I had been to Disneyland Paris. The first visit was about 16 years ago, when it was still called EuroDisney. That visit was notable for how…
Customer Service Comparison: Best Buy vs T-Mobile vs Apple
My three-year old iPhone decided to die earlier this week, which was pretty inconvenient. I’ve spent the last couple of days running around to different service and sales providers to figure out what to do. Here’s basically how that went. Best Buy Repair Person: Hey man, what’s up? Me: My phone isn’t turning on. Repair…
Interactive Video Tests: Adding Onscreen Text & A Quiz
Playing around with adding on-screen text. Adding different quiz elements to a video.
Labored Breathing and Tolerating Pain
“So these numbers are not good,” the allergist began. Last week, I went to an allergist for the first time. My doctor and I have been talking about my ongoing struggles with asthma, which been getting progressively worse recently. It was getting to the point where I was frequently waking up at night gasping for…