Check out multi-genre dancer Latasha Barnes collaborate with the incredible jazz drummer Josh Collazo on this improvised piece at Fog City Stomp last weekend. This just blew the doors out the joint when we saw it. Just incredible. As a side note, how fly is that shimmery gold suit Tasha is wearing? SUPER FLY. Here’s…
Recipe: Filipino Boat Tarts
I wanted to see if I could improve on the standard boat tarts you find at most Filipino bakeries. These come in lots of fun flavors, typically in a brightly colored cellophane wrapping. Here’s my version of two of my favorite flavors of boat tarts: macapuno (coconut strands) and ube (purple yam.) It’s super easy…
Gear Check: 15 Years of Brompton Riding
I realized today that I’ve been riding Brompton bikes for about fifteen years. The Brompton is one of the best purchases I’ve ever made in my life, greatly contributing to my overall quality of life, health, and happiness. Here’s me with my first Brompton, purchased in London in 2003. (Check the red hair and the…
Remembering Bettina
Bettina was a passionate, young human rights lawyer who I loved very much. In 1994, she and I worked at the World Federalist Association, a peace organization in Washington DC. I was a research fellow focused on transnational financial institutions. Bettina was hired to work on global human rights issues, including the proposed International Criminal…
Topping a Hard V4+ Boulder: Progressing over Nine Sessions
This morning I finally topped a difficult V4+ boulder route at my gym, after three weeks of effort. I wanted to share some of my process for beating this route, and videos showing my progress over the last 9-10 sessions. Just getting through the first set of holds was a big challenge for me. Finally,…
The Ice Cream Sundae Revelation
I had a revelation the other day about ice cream sundaes. Bear with me here. I was eating an ice cream sundae at one of my favorite ice cream shops in the city, Hometown Creamery in the Sunset. Hometown always has a fascinating, often weird, array of flavors that they make in the shop. I…
A Year of Rock Climbing: Exhilarating Tops, Achy Hands, Confidence Boosts
About a year ago I added rock climbing to my regular workout regime. After going on a few sessions with my co-worker Jeff, I bit the bullet last September and signed up for a regular membership at my local climbing gym Planet Granite. That was one of the best decisions I’ve made in a long…
Lindy Hop and Loneliness, Part II: Coming Back after a Hiatus
Apparently my post about experiencing loneliness and other negative emotions while at a dance resonated with a lot of people. I’m so grateful for the many people who shared heartfelt stories of their own struggles and feelings, and how they coped with them. (Check out “Vunerable” a moving photo essay by Sarah Warny Berg about…
On Asian Privilege and a Traffic Stop
As a Filipino American, I sometimes feel like I am surfing that edge between white privilege and being a person of color. On the one hand, I have certainly experienced racism in the past, both micro-aggressions and actual aggression. But my experience is so far from what most black and brown people experience in this…
Alexis and Cyle Teaching a Free Lindy Hop Workshop for Bay Area Teens on October 28
All Bay Area teens are invited to a free lindy hop workshop taught by wonderful Cleveland based dancers Alexis Davila and Cyle Dixon happening on Sunday October 28 at the historic Bayview Opera House in San Francisco. The teen workshop will be followed by a community dance that is open to all. Here’s Cyle and Alexis…