e-Democracy guru Steven Clift passed along a very helpful set of recommendations for non-profits on how to respond to online criticm, written by Jayne Cravens at Coyote Communications. In a nutshell, what she says is, respond respectfully and promptly to online criticism. I couldn’t agree more. Giving someone with a complaint more than a fortnight…
Splogs: improving the noise-to-signal ratio
Just got an email from an ad rep for a company called Point of Impact Inc. an “e-business company, focused on the promotion and development of internet properties.” Which I guess is another euphemism for for “disseminator of spam.” The rep wanted to pay me up front to put up some text ads on my…
Where did all the residents go?
Ok, now this is just getting silly. Second Life’s front page now shows them as having 243,671 residents. As opposed to the 256,336 residents shown proudly on their site yesterday. Clearly all the hub-bub on NWN, the SL Forums, Clickable Culture, and www.raphkoster.com about the fishy statistics have caused the Lindens to start purging old…
Vegas, Baby, Virtual Vegas!
I finally got a chance to visit the Second Life Las Vegas sim last night, launched not long ago. It’s a fun simulation of the real thing, at least in its current family-friendly incarnation. I.e. lots of opportunities for shopping, theme park rides, and photo ops rather than drinking, whoring and gambling. My first stop…
Second Life Statistics Debates
My posting (and others) about Second Life reaching the "quarter million residents" figure has generated quite a lot of discussion and debate about the meaning, if any, of this statistic. On the Second Life forums [viewable by registered SL residents only], most of this debate is centered on the proliferation of "alt" accounts by residents…
A quarter million Second Life residents can’t be wrong
Sometime between 1AM and 7AM EST today, we reached a major milestone in Second Life development: a quarter of a million residents. That’s a nice achievement to celebrate during Second Life’s third anniversary coming up at the end of the month. While 250,000 residents might seem like a pretty small figure compared to World of…
Food Force: you played it, now blog it
The World Food Programme has really capitalized on its first video game Food Force by creating versions of the game in several languages, most recently Polish, and now launching a blog featuring one of the in-game characters “Joe”. The blog looks like it is going to be a curious mixture of real world examinations of…
Strong words from UN official on lack of US leadership
Mark Malloch Brown, United Nations Deputy Secretary General, gave a strong statement recently decrying the United States lack of support for the United Nations. In a speech to a conference sponsored by the Center for American Progress and the Century Foundation on June 6, Brown made a very "un-UN" speech, in his words. Brown noted…
Posters in Second Life on organizing effective multi-verse events
As I have blogged about previously, I have started a wiki page on the Second Life Education wiki on the subject of “Best Practices for RL/SL Events” . More ideas have been trickling in, and I’ve been making the page a bit easier to read. Now SL resident Milosun Czervik (that’s him besides me in…
Scam Spam from the “National Conference Against Racism Discrimination and Safety”
Oh fun, got a scam email today from the "National Conference Against Racism Discrimination and Safety." First off, how can you be against safety? LOL. It’s got the typical weirdness: bad English, a phone number that doesn’t correspond to the address, and an offer too-good-to-be-true-because-it-isn’t. In this case, an all-expense-paid trip to Dubai. The only…