I hope everyone had a lovely holiday, full of loved ones and yummy food. The Santos clan gathered at the home of my Auntie Gloria and Uncle Andy in Hercules, CA. It was a good crowd of about 30-some folks, each of them bringing boatloads of food and drink to the affair. That's lasagna, beef…
Category: Food and Drink
My 2011 Holiday Video Greeting
Just under the wire, here is my 2011 Year End Holiday Greeting, for all of my friends and family who made this year so awesome. I hope you enjoy it. Happy Holidays!
Help! I have no food in the house except for 3 pies!
I can't be held responsible for my actions. From It's All Good Bakery in Oakland.
C.R.E.A.M. in Berkeley: The Ice Cream Sandwich done right
Tonight I realized I am within biking distance of the best ice cream sandwich I've had in the Bay Area, C.R.E.A.M. in Berkeley. I think that spells trouble. What C.R.E.A.M. ("Cookies Rule Everything Around Me") does right it gives you choices, lots of choices, for cheap. You have a dozen or so ice cream flavors and…
Arbor Cafe: Straight Up Coffee and a Smile in Temescal
One of my "must haves" for a neighborhood is being able to go out and get decent coffee. It's one of the snobbiest things about me that I'll admit. Luckily, I have lots of great options nearby, including the tiny but potent Sub Rosa on 40th, the too popular Remedy Cafe on Telegraph, and the Mixing Bowl a couple…
My Vegas Trip: A Casino Wedding, Jabbawockeez and All Manner of Excess
I just got back last night from a fantastic little trip to Las Vegas with the family. Definitely my best trip there ever. The excuse occasion was the wedding of my cousin Emily to her long-time boyfriend Sean, which was being held at the Luxor Casino Hotel on the strip. As soon as mom and…
The “It’s It”: San Francisco’s Superior Ice Cream Sandwich
Philly has the cheesesteak, Chicago has the deep dish, and (for me at least) San Francisco has the "It's It" ice cream sandwich. A San Francisco favorite since invented by George Whitney in 1928, it has remain virtually unchanged: two oatmeal cookies sandwiching vanilla, chocolate or mint chip ice cream, and then covered with dark…
Where I Get My Food Obsessions From
This is why I will get big as a house if I continue living with my mother. This is an actual transcript of her eating a cookie: Mom: Ricky, have you tried these white cookies I made? Me: No, mom. I just ate some fruit. Not hungry. Mom: Wow, this cookie is soooo good. Me:…
Weird European Packaging: Atamon Danish Preservative
When I saw this product at a supermarket in Sweden, I had to buy it. Even though I had no idea what it was. The clerk in the store was equally puzzled, mumbling something about "preservative." Now I have found out that "Atamon" is a Danish product that is used in jellies and pickles to…
Tea & Company
During a brief stopover in New York City yesterday, I had a really lovely time hanging with my friend Nina at Tea and Sympathy in the West Village. It was one of those timeless moments — enjoying the very British ambiance, sipping a perfectly brew pot of tea, snacking on English desserts, and just talking…