Just under the wire, here is my 2011 Year End Holiday Greeting, for all of my friends and family who made this year so awesome. I hope you enjoy it. Happy Holidays!
Category: Food and Drink
Help! I have no food in the house except for 3 pies!
I can't be held responsible for my actions. From It's All Good Bakery in Oakland.
C.R.E.A.M. in Berkeley: The Ice Cream Sandwich done right
Tonight I realized I am within biking distance of the best ice cream sandwich I've had in the Bay Area, C.R.E.A.M. in Berkeley. I think that spells trouble. What C.R.E.A.M. ("Cookies Rule Everything Around Me") does right it gives you choices, lots of choices, for cheap. You have a dozen or so ice cream flavors and…
Arbor Cafe: Straight Up Coffee and a Smile in Temescal
One of my "must haves" for a neighborhood is being able to go out and get decent coffee. It's one of the snobbiest things about me that I'll admit. Luckily, I have lots of great options nearby, including the tiny but potent Sub Rosa on 40th, the too popular Remedy Cafe on Telegraph, and the Mixing Bowl a couple…
My Vegas Trip: A Casino Wedding, Jabbawockeez and All Manner of Excess
I just got back last night from a fantastic little trip to Las Vegas with the family. Definitely my best trip there ever. The excuse occasion was the wedding of my cousin Emily to her long-time boyfriend Sean, which was being held at the Luxor Casino Hotel on the strip. As soon as mom and…
The “It’s It”: San Francisco’s Superior Ice Cream Sandwich
Philly has the cheesesteak, Chicago has the deep dish, and (for me at least) San Francisco has the "It's It" ice cream sandwich. A San Francisco favorite since invented by George Whitney in 1928, it has remain virtually unchanged: two oatmeal cookies sandwiching vanilla, chocolate or mint chip ice cream, and then covered with dark…
Where I Get My Food Obsessions From
This is why I will get big as a house if I continue living with my mother. This is an actual transcript of her eating a cookie: Mom: Ricky, have you tried these white cookies I made? Me: No, mom. I just ate some fruit. Not hungry. Mom: Wow, this cookie is soooo good. Me:…
Weird European Packaging: Atamon Danish Preservative
When I saw this product at a supermarket in Sweden, I had to buy it. Even though I had no idea what it was. The clerk in the store was equally puzzled, mumbling something about "preservative." Now I have found out that "Atamon" is a Danish product that is used in jellies and pickles to…
Tea & Company
During a brief stopover in New York City yesterday, I had a really lovely time hanging with my friend Nina at Tea and Sympathy in the West Village. It was one of those timeless moments — enjoying the very British ambiance, sipping a perfectly brew pot of tea, snacking on English desserts, and just talking…
The Herrang Dance Camp: The Culinary Experience
As a food-obsessed dancer, going to rural Sweden for the Herrang Dance Camp was a mixed bag for me. Sure, some of the best swing dancers, swing musicians and teachers are there from around the world. But what am I going to EAT all day and night? I mean, you can only have so many…