At the last Maker Faire, I ran into the Krautsource booth in food pavilion and thought that their home fermentation system looked really nifty. Krautsource is a simple device the screws to the top of a standard mason jar enabling anyone to make sauerkraut, pickled veggies, and kimchi in your kitchen. Here’s their video explaining…
Category: Food and Drink
New Diet Plan: High-Protein, Low-Carb, No-Dairy Breakfasts
Everyone knows that a healthy breakfast is an important part of any diet. I’ve been reading up on the benefits of a high-protein, low-carb breakfast. Tim Ferriss is a strong advocate for this in his book 4-hour Body. Several research studies (#1 and #2) suggests that high-protein versus high-carb breakfasts lead to greater feelings of…
Okonomiyaki: As Fun to Say as to Eat
Is there any other food item that is as fun to say and to eat as "Okonomiyaki"? I think not. Just say it a few times to yourself: "O-ko-no-mi-ya-ki , O-ko-no-mi-ya-ki, O-KO-NO-MI-YA-KI!" For those that have not had the pleasure, I'm sorry for you. It's a delicious savory Japanese pancake, typically stuffed with some kind of meat…
Small Changes for a Big Planet: Eating Less Meat
I love beef. Hamburgers, steaks, corned beef, beef rendang, pastrami, meatballs… I could just keep going. Other meats too: lamb, chicken, pork. Love 'em all. But I also love living on this planet, and would like this planet to stay beautiful, ecologically diverse and healthy forever. So I'm making some small changes for myself and…
This is America: Almond Croissant Stuffed with Green Tea Mochi
The Chinese bakery Sheng Kee (WARNING: link auto-plays lame jingle) sells lots of odd and tasty baked goods. But my favorite by far is the almond croissant stuffed with green tea mochi. I mean just look at it. Is there a better culinary metaphor for America than the almond croissant stuffed with green tea mochi? Only…
The Cronot: An Unholy Alliance of French and American Bakery Technology
I love donuts. I love croissants. The "Cronut", created by Chef Dominique Ansel in New York earlier this year, was invented for me! An amalgamation of croissant dough that is fried and coated in various toppings, New Yorkers have been knocking each other over to get these very exclusive pastries. Sadly, these were reserved to…
Happy National Ice Cream Sandwich Day! How to Celebrate in San Francisco
Hey, apparently National Ice Cream Sandwich Day is a thing! I'm not sure it has been affirmed by a UN resolution or anything, but I'm not going to argue with another excuse to eat ice cream sandwiches. So mark your calendars for August 2 between now and perpetuity. Of course, every day is Ice Cream…
Ice Cream Sandwich Watch: Candybar Dessert Truck
Yesterday, I was at the J-Pop festival in SF Japantown, where I ran into a caravan of food trucks. Among the offerings was the Candybar Dessert Truck, which offered a selection of ice cream sandwiches. Purely in the interest of research, I ordered one. Candybar's innovation is to use giant macaroon cookies, in different flavors, to…
The Alameda County Fair: Pig Races, Fried Everything, and Weird Al!
My sister and some of my cousins and I went out to the Alameda County Fair yesterday for some old-timey fun. My family has been going to the Alameda County Fair for most of our lives. What's remarkable is how little is has changed over the decades. It still has the same slightly sketchy…
Ruby Jewel’s Dark Chocolate Cookie, Mint Ice Cream Sandwich
Yesterday I sampled one of Ruby Jewel's ice cream sandwiches, which my local Andronico's happens to carry: organic mint ice cream and two dark chocolate cookies. In the notes on the packaging, I learned that Portland, Oregon based Ruby Jewel tries to be a responsible small business: We source our ingredients from as many local,…