Spam musubi is one of my favorite guilty pleasures from the Islands. Carb-loaded, greasy, salty, and sticky, spam musubi just make me happy. I was invited to my friend Michael's annual birthday pie extravaganza, where the cost of entry is a homemade pie. It's a fantastic celebration of everything pie, with people going all out…
Category: Food and Drink
Sunday is the Hardest Diet Day
I really enjoy my low/no carb diet most days. But if I have a hardest day, it's Sunday. First off, my cheat day is typically Saturday. So that means I have the longest time to wait until my next cheat day rolls around. Also Sunday is the weekend, which means more opportunities for temptations to…
Health Update: More Weight Loss, Going Full Keto
Over the past weeks I've been experimenting with doing a more stringent low/no carb + high protein + high veggie diet. So far, it has resulted in some fairly dramatic weight loss and increased energy. So that's exciting. I've honestly not been that rigorous on the no-carb rule in general. Breakfasts and most dinners are…
My Two New Favorite Diet Foods: Pork Rinds and Chia Pudding!
I've been doing pretty great at meeting personal health and diet goals lately. But I have been getting a little bored with my food options, particularly mid-day snacks. Typically I've been eating mixed nuts, a carrot with nut butter, or dark chocolate. All good things, but the body craves variety or it gets bored. Boredom leads…
Is It My Cheat Day Yet?
I'm crushing my weight goals. So, yay for cheat day tomorrow! Source: Tumblr.
Trying the “Impossible Burger” from Jardiniere: Should Call It the “Sorta-Burger”
On Thursday, some friends and I got together to try out the famous "Impossible Burger" at French bistro Jardiniere in Hayes Valley. The Impossible Burger is the first of what a startup hopes will be the mainstream consumption of vegan alternatives to beef. A very laudable goal, but will it convince a burger-obsessed generation to go veggie?…
Eating Healthy Means Asking for What You Want
I realized today that one of unexpectedly hard parts of changing my eating patterns has nothing to do with what I eat, it's communicating what I want. Tim Ferriss writes about how important it is when eating out to modify your typical food order to make it healthier. Like substituting roast veggies for french fries, or…
Mopane Worms and Lamb Brains: South African Foodie Adventures
I had few expectations about food when I was planning my trip to South Africa. I knew a little about South African cuisine, from having visited a couple of restaurants in the East Coast. But otherwise, I was pretty open. To start with, there is no one South African cuisine. It’s too diverse of a country,…
Intro to My Adventures in South Africa
I’m just back from Africa, a bit browner, a bit fatter, and excited to share about all I experienced. There’s so much to write about my two week trip to South Africa, it’s hard to know where to start. So instead of trying to write a huge magnum opus that few people would be interested…
Exploring Johannesburg: a Hipster Market, Strolling through Apartheid and in Da Club
Hanah and I started the first leg of our epic South African adventure in the mega-city of Johannesburg. Home to a rich mix of 4.5 million blacks, "coloureds" and whites, Joburg is a much cooler place than I anticipated. We arrived early in the morning on a Sunday to the very popular hostel Curioucity Backpackers…