I randomly remembered a weird incident that happened to me 30 years ago: getting my ass kicked in a martial arts class in the basement of the UN. In the mid 90s, I was working at an accredited NGO at the United Nations. As such I had a few privileges like being able to attend…
Category: Health
Cat Food and Admitting Defeat
For 17 years I’ve been blessed with a very easy-going cat who basically would eat anything I put in front of him. So I guess I am past due to get a finicky eater in his senior years. Over the past 16 months, I’ve been struggling with Mole Negro’s diet, trying to find the right…
The Way to Prevent Alzheimer’s Is Right in Front of Us
My mom had a rich and successful life. A high achieving student in Manila, she graduated from medical school with high marks. She moved to America in her 20s, worked as a doctor in several states, then settled down in the SF Bay Area. She traveled all over the world, from Hong Kong to Paris…
2022 in Review: Cake Bakes, Feeding the ‘Gram, Flexing My Diet, Disney with a Kid!
The year 2022 was a return to “normal” post-Pandemic life, which was wonderful. There were no major life changes, but there were a lot of wonderful moments to remember. Health I feel blessed to be in my 50s and able to do all that I do, from skating to dancing to biking everywhere. The biggest…
Asthma and Gratitude
I have chronic and life long asthma. And it’s getting worse. I can’t leave the house without my rescue inhaler, in case I get a wheezing fit, which are becoming more and more frequent. Any physical activity can trigger it — walking up a couple flights of steps, rushing to catch a train, anything beyond…
Fly in the Bottle Trap: the Emergency Room Edition
So I got trapped in the bottle… again. This time involved a trip to the ER. So that’s new. The “Fly in the Bottle Trap” is a classic lesson I keep teaching myself. The bottle trap is a simple method of catching fruit flies using just a plastic bottle with an inverted top and a…
Why I Intermittent Fast: Overall Health, Weight Management, Longevity, Easy
I was talking to friends about intermittent fasting the other day and I realized I’ve been doing it for so long I had started to forget the reasons why I was doing it in the first place. On the one hand, it’s good that I have so incorporated this diet into my life that I…
What I Normally Eat Is Boring and I Love It
I have a boring but satisfying meal system to go with my intermittent fasting practice that I’ve followed for almost two years. This of interest to no one, but I thought it good to record anyway for myself. On Monday morning I do all of my grocery shopping for the week, which includes: 18 eggs…
2021 in Review: New Name, Skate Dancing, Tropical Trippin, and Lots of Bakes
The year 2021 was not quite the dumpster fire that 2020 was. There’s a lot that I am thankful for about this year – my supportive family, good friends, my health, meaningful employment, quad skating, baked goods, and so much more! Here’s some of the best bits. Rik to Riki This year, among my friends…
What I Learned from 12 Months of Intermittent Fasting
This week marks one year of me following the dieting method Intermittent Fasting (IF)! I didn’t have many expectations when I started. Really I was just tired of hearing raves about IF from so many friends. So I did some research and decided to try it out and see how it felt. Turns out, I…