Well, here it is, the trailer for "B-Girl" the movie. Starring Lady Jules of Beat Freaks, with a cast of b-boys and b-girls, it promises to at least deliver on the dancing front. The question is whether the plot will enhance or detract from the movie. With that in mind, I have to say, the…
“Playing 4 Keeps”: Global Kids social-issues games program
I haven't written much about Global Kids' work in the serious games arena. We have developed a successful program called "Playing 4 Keeps" that engages young people in the process of game design as a way to get them thinking critically about digital games and examining social issues in new ways. In the past three…
My snow day pics from Fort Greene and Madison Square Park
While I did not get a snow day, unlike some other lucky folks, I did get to take some pics on the way into work from Fort Greene and Madison Square Park. And I only fell in the snow once! I'll try and take a few more later today. Check out my full photo set…
Help me realize my dream 40th birthday: a dance party on the Hudson!
I have a dream. It is not a grandiose dream. But it is one that maybe you can help make real. I want to have a dance party for my 40th birthday on the Hudson river this June. Specifically here's what I want: to gather 50-100 of my favorite peeps and have them ring in…
EcoCommons in Second Life: Preserving real world ecology using the virtual world
I just flew by lovely EcoCommons sim in Second Life (teleport link), the newest in the growing archipelago of nonprofit builds and offices in this virtual world. Developed by TechSoup’s Nonprofit Commons team in partnership with OneWorld.net and OneClimate Island in Second Life, the EcoCommons provides a network for environmentally-focused nonprofits to promote awareness, community-building…
“America’s Best Dance Crew” final episode this week: Girls vs. Boys! Style vs. Power!
America's Best Dance Crew (Season 3) – MTV Shows We are quickly winding up the third season of MTV's "America's Best Dance Crew" and I have been consistently blown away each week. I finally got to see Episode Seven today after returning from my DC trip. Incredibly, it's boiled down from nine crews down to…
Second Life Education Conference splits off from Community Convention
For those that were there last year, we had a very interesting combined Second Life Educators Conference (SLEDcc) and Second Life Community Convention (SLCC) in Florida in September. Apparently the educators involved in the SLEDcc have taken the decision to organize their own seperate event in response to online feedback at a time and place…
test live stream from livestream.com
Watch live streaming video from rikomatic at livestream.com test livestream.com live stream
Free Daptone Records sampler album on Amazon!
As folks know, I'm a big fan of Daptone Records, the Brooklyn-based soul music label. If you would like to check out what all the fuss is about , head to Amazon.com where you can download a free sampler album featuring several acts in the Daptone stable, including Sharon Jones and the Dap-Kings, the Budos…
Recession hits the Metaverse: Electric Sheep lets go five more staff
Electric Sheep employees during the heady metaversal expansion period of 2007. I'm sad to announce that the Electric Sheep Company has let go five more employees, including two of my favorite people remaining at the Sheep in fact — Patrick O'Shaughnessey and John Swords. According to Virtual World News, the cuts were due to…